Rock Shatter for Autodesk Maya
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Rock Shatter one click solution to generate native rock pieces for you from polygon objects.
detailed video Tutorials:
how to crack polygon in maya
Ruins getting destroyed (parte 1)
If the polygon you apply ktrockshatter disappears, it is because parts are extremely small.
1- Undo the ktrockshatter operation with Ctrl+Z.
2- enlarge the polygon a bit and apply ktrockshatter again.
copy these following 2 files in icons directory
copy the mel file in scripts directory:
usage: select a polygon. and Shatter it by the following command :
source ktRockShatter;
version 1.4.1:
-error “Cannot find procedure AEswitchAddButtonCB”. this small but critical bug fixed.
-second applying operation was not working correctly. fixed.
version 1.4:
-Unique Rainbow Coloring for Each generated parts functionality added.
version 1.3:
-shattering method is rewritten from scratch. now getting better polygon pieces.
-an option added (“remove piecess smaller than”).weird pieces now not generating.
-progressbar now avaible.
version 1.2:
-auto subdividing if polygon vertices not enough to shatter partition;
-shelf icon modernized.
-UVs of pieces are now corrected.
(compatible with maya 2009 and above. earlier versions of maya didn't tested. but should work too. if doesn't, mail us with details. get a quick update.)